Application opens March 5th and closes March 26th at midnight for high school class of 2027 sophomores.

Apply For Moonshot

Follow these steps to apply

Get a Teacher Recommendation

Click below to download the teacher recommendation form. 

Fill out the below Application + Upload your Recommendation

When available, scroll to the application below.

Submit Application*

*Submit your application by midnight on March 26, 2025.


Applicants must be:

  • A member of the Class of 2027
  • Must attend a public high school in Sevier or Cocke County
  • Have demonstrated a strong interest in expanding education
    and travel
  • Can demonstrate resourcefulness, aptitude, and drive

Application Timeline + Milestones

The following dates will govern the application schedule:

  • March 25 Cut off date to submit application

  • April — Selections, Interviews, and Announcement of program awardees

  • May 9-10 Hike Mt. LeConte

OFFICIAL Application

 Please Note: You will need a parent or guardian’s signature to complete the application. Allow yourself ample time to complete the application.

Instead of uploading your teacher recommendation to your application, your teacher can email it directly to [email protected].

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 4

Applicant Information

Applicant Name*